Free & For Profit Colleges
As wonderful as "Free College" experience tells me that with millions in need of specific skills to find work.
As wonderful as "Free College" experience tells me that with millions in need of specific skills to find work.
The past 10 years so much focus for higher education has been Workforce Development and Outcomes based Education
The battle ground should be very active right now with Academic Institutions securing high quality online delivery systems vs a patchwork setup if they want to secure enrollment. Online Education Administrators should be at a premium right now! Been saying this for years! Looking at more institutions pursuing options to bring online "in house" and drive their own online divisions. Unfortunately, it often takes a major crisis to change the thinking of administrations. We're here to assist any and all colleges and universities, K12 districts, etc. that are having any challenges moving to an online format. We're looking to continue...
Opportunities arise that we may dismiss prematurely. I often hear from candidates, “That is the position I am doing currently, why would I want to make a move if it isn’t a step upward?” Here are five reasons why a lateral move may actually BE that step in the right direction: There are few opportunities for growth within your current organization: A common scenario is that you may have an immediate supervisor who is about the same age as you, completely content in their position and ready to stay there until retirement. Or you are simply in a small organization where there...
I've lived in the State of Connecticut all my life. With the 2nd highest taxes in the country (next to California), an out of control deficit, housing prices plummeting the powers that be are launching the latest wave of entitlement programs. One would think I'm a far right conservative but oddly enough the middle is where I stand on most issues. People ask me all the time why is there no UCONN online, CCSU Online SCSU Online? If the CSU system is one of the best in the country, why are we not looking to expand through online like Arizona State,...